Dedrone RF-360
Dedrone RF-360
The RF-360 is a passive, network-attached radio sensor for the detection, classification, and localization (geolocation) of drones and their remote controls.
Dedrone RF-360 Benefits
RF-based localization finds drones and pilots and plots them on a map
Long-range drone detection and direction finding (up to 5 km)
Fast installation and start-up due to cloud-readyness thanks to integrated LTE and GPS
Provides information on “hotspots” of drone activity
Optimized for RF noisy environments
No legal authorization required

Smart Airspace Security and Drone Detection Software
DedroneTracker.AI is the world's leading smart airspace security software. At the core of Dedrone's comprehensive solution is DedroneTracker.AI. This powerful detection software utilizes input from various sensors to detect the presence of a drone, and determine drone and pilot location. Sensors include:
Radio frequency (RF)
By analyzing behavior, imagery, flight data, and more, the AI engine provides operators with a queue of risk-prioritized targets. This drone threat analysis is achieved through autonomous background interrogation of unauthorized drones, while seamlessly tracking multiple friendly drones. Dedrone has the world’s largest customer base, enabling security teams, law enforcement and military professionals to protect 500+ sites from drone threats.
Sensori ietver:
Radio frekvence (RF)
Analizējot uzvedību, attēlus, lidojuma datus un daudz ko citu, mākslīgā intelekta dzinējs nodrošina operatoriem rindu ar riska prioritāriem mērķiem. Šī bezpilota lidaparātu draudu analīze tiek panākta, izmantojot autonomu nesankcionētu dronu fona iztaujāšanu, vienlaikus nemanāmi izsekojot vairākus draudzīgus dronus. Dedrone ir pasaulē lielākā klientu bāze, kas ļauj drošības komandām, tiesībaizsardzības un militārajiem profesionāļiem aizsargāt vairāk nekā 500 vietu no dronu draudiem.

Counterdrone Software
DedroneTracker.AI empowers security providers to effectively address the presence of drone threats in their airspace, sending an alert directly to a security professional in the field and alerting the main security operations center. Our advanced counter-drone technology allows operators to detect drones and track, identify, and mitigate them (when legal). By utilizing data from a range of drone detection sensors, the sensor fusion engine accurately determines the precise location of both the drone and its operator. With DedroneTracker.AI, security teams can be prepared to respond to all drone threats.

Beyond Visual Line of Sight
Drones have the potential to revolutionize industries such as public safety, search and rescue, construction, and more. By allowing drones to fly Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS), their capabilities can be fully utilized. This is particularly important for use cases requiring drones to operate miles from the launch site. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations require waivers for these types of drone flights to ensure safety measures are in place to prevent uncontrolled flying that jeopardizes lives and vital infrastructure. This BVLOS waiver enables drones to coexist safely with airplanes without midair collisions and that risks to people and property on the ground are minimized. DedroneTracker.AI offers the technology and capabilities to address these challenges, enabling drones to go beyond the visual line of sight and revolutionize industries.

Platform of Integrations: The Most Complete Application to Detect Drones
Integrating multiple systems into a single pane of glass, the DedroneTracker.AI platform is the ultimate airspace security solution that can be leveraged for early drone detection, accurate drone identification and precise flight path tracking. Dedrone leverages a database of nearly 300 drones to identify the exact drone type being flown. Users of DedroneTracker.AI can then use the appropriate method of mitigation to bring down the unauthorized drone including jamming, cyber take-over or kinetic for complete airspace security.

Multiple Drone Detection Capabilities
DedroneTracker.AI can detect, track and identify multiple drones at once. The drone detection application can categorize friendly drones and only prioritize and show the flight path for unauthorized drones to stay one step ahead in the face of complex scenarios like drone swarms.

Reporting and Forensic Evidence
A combination of forensic data is automatically captured by DedroneTracker.AI drone detection software including:
Drone manufacturer
Drone Model
Time and length of drone activity
Video Verification
Flight history (including flight path)
Summary reports are automatically produced and available on-demand to easily analyze the most critical airspace security data. In short, the software can be used to detect drones in the form of a drone monitoring system and can also be used to prosecute offenders with data after the unauthorized drone has been mitigated.